Patricia Anne D. Salonga, 19 years of age, incoming Advertising Arts Senior at University of Santo Tomas this June. Known (and will always be distinguished) for the signature fringe. Doctor Who fan.
How will you describe your art?
I'm into graffiti style. I design characters and mix it with typography (I'm fond with types. Either by hand or digital) Originally, my forte really is traditional art, like painting and clay molding, I only learned digital art last year (Illustrator), ever since then I always practice when I can. I also studied Mechanical Drawing and Perspective for 2-3 years, so I apply what I learned to most of my designs, thus explains the geometric figures and different perspectives. Right now my project is to finish the font style that I'm working on. Yey.
Where do you find inspirations?
Museums. Whenever I travel I make sure that I go to museums, recently I went to Singapore Art Museum and Red Dot Design Studio, and I was inspired to produce more works after that. And to the Big Klimt Book that we have in our house. He's my inspiration :> And oh, also after I watch the movies or read books that I like, I draw.
What music do you listen to?
It depends on my mood, when I'm stressed I listen to Jazz or classical music. My music taste is flexible, I'm appreciative. But on a regular basis I listen to Daft Punk, Arctic Monkeys, Foster The People, Feist, The Black Keys, White Stripes, D'Sound, Jamiroquai, Michael Buble, Norah Jones, Radioactive Sago Project, Simon and Garfunkel, Shout out louds, Stars, Up Dharma Down, Metric, The Smiths, Phoenix, Passion Pit, KT Tunstall, John Mayer, Panic! At the Disco, Gotye, Coldplay, Kimbra, Hall & Oates and The Beatles (I have The Black Box set right here!) I think I haven't mentioned everything, there are too many. Haha.
Name three famous artists you would love to collaborate with.
Mike Perry, Jeremyville, Gustav Klimt
Apart from all the existing artworks can you say you're making an impact and difference in ones mind through yours?
Making an impact? I hope so. Friends keep asking me if what I produce every other day is an assignment or a requirement, but I tell them that what I do is not really an assignment, I just want to produce so many while I'm still young, and while I can, and while this mind is filled with ideas. And after a few days some of my friends told me that they're starting to produce/practice more, I guess it motivates them somehow.

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